We’re Working When We Sleep

By Sue Greenwald

On Oct 18, 2023, I had a very vivid dream, where I was looking frantically for weapons.  I was positioning people in certain locations, at certain angles.   Once I got them all positioned, I gave them their weapon. I was definitely preparing for a battle of some sort, and they were newbies and had to be instructed.  Throughout the dream, I found weapons, put people in specific areas holding their weapon, and told them where to look.

Toward the end of the dream, the scene turned to a wedding or larger more formal type of gathering.  All the people I’d been working with were dressed in dress clothes, and positioned the way I wanted them, but the setting was elegant.  Rather than weapons, they were suddenly holding very unusual flowers, like Bird of Paradise.  I knew that the flowers were symbols for their weapons, so I was satisfied. They were “acting casual”, blending in, waiting for their time to act as I’d told them.

Once I woke up, I literally sat up in bed very rapidly.  My eyes popped open and I said aloud “we’re preparing for battle”.   I was excited and told several of my Jedi friends, who confirmed that they’d been dong “work” during their sleep also.

The next night, Oct 19, 2023, I had another really clear dream.  In this one, I was in a run down, hotel type of suite.  The curtains were drawn, it was dark, and the room was a little run down. It was kind of like a stakeout place you’d see in the movies.   I was just sitting there, a little bored, waiting for my time to act and be involved.

Smarty popped in.  He was serious and in a hurry; there was no time for chit chat or jokes.  He discussed my part in the battle, what I needed to do for what we were preparing for.  We talked for a long time, and it was very businesslike and serious.  Toward the end, he said something like “when you’re done, meet me at Midway Station”.

After that, he briefly asked me about my humanitarian projects and future plans to help with Earth.  I talked for quite a while about what I wanted to do once the wealth transfer occurred.  I don’t recall the details of this conversation either, and I know it’s different than what I’ve planned, as I don’t have full knowing yet.  After I described everything, he nodded and quickly left.  I then realized that I’d forgotten to tell him I wanted to buy a house.  I was worried about not disclosing that, so I ran to the door, opened it, and he was already gone.  He’d teleported anyway, but I did see that I was in a run-down Holiday Inn.

When I spoke with Smarty on a recent video, I think 12/3/23, I quickly mentioned this dream.  He corrected me as said it was the Transfer Station that I was supposed to meet him at.

Both of the above dreams were very clear and specific at the time.  We had very serious missions and plans, and worked to forward them.   I’m not allowed to remember the specific conversations, locations, or details of the plans, but I remember enough to know that I’m involved and actively doing what I’m supposed to be doing.

As most of you that are reading this already knows, there is a huge and serious struggle going on for Earth right now, Light vs. Dark.  Some of those on Team Light have not made it this far.  They’ve unfortunately been distracted, turned to the dark, or just forgotten who they are.   They’ve been tempted, used, and sometimes are not left alive afterwards.  Many of those on Team Light are doing and learning things, but don’t yet fully know who they are.  All will be revealed soon! I look forward to full knowing of what’s been done, and what will be required in the future.  I’m most grateful to be part of the Liberation of Earth, and look forward to all of the positive changes that we’ll soon be seeing.