Sudden Intensity

By Sue Greenwald

I went to bed around 10:40 PM on March 27, 2024.  I was still awake, waiting to fall asleep.  Suddenly, it felt like a huge wind or the after effect of an explosion hit my home!  A huge, intense swoosh of energy blasted into the corner of my bedroom, quite suddenly.

My bed literally shook!  It was like the headboard had been pushed!   The headboard rocked back and forth, and the entire bed shook.  The corner of my room, maybe 4 feet away, actually moved, like a wind pushed it.   Not only was there an impression of a huge amount of energy/wind hitting the house, there was a really loud sound.  It kind of sounded like the corner of the house, near where my bed is, “cracked”.

This house is very sturdy, well built.  It was odd that it “moved”!   During the day, there had only been a light breeze outside.  There weren’t any storms or anything “logical” that could explain this odd event.

I waited for everything to calm down, and for my bed to stop moving. I was literally shaking.  In this case, I called on Daddy (Source/God/Our Creator) for assistance, and I called on King Smarty for help too, just for fun.  Once I relaxed a bit, I wondered if that really happened in the physical world, as there’s always that doubt.  I thought, maybe it was a very realistic dream, you know how you explain things away?

During the same night, I was awakened twice more with physical noises around the house.  My cat was next to me, when I heard noises that work me up.  I again called for assistance, and was (oddly) able to fall back asleep.

Later that night, I had a very vivid and clear image of my daughter crying hysterically.  I sat right up in my bed, wide awake.  I felt like this image was “a trick”, something false that was planted in my head to upset me.  It was extremely vivid like very high definition resolution on a TV.   Oddly enough, she also had something jolt her awake that same night, where she was unable to get back to sleep.  We didn’t compare times.

This kind of thing has happened a couple of times before.  In February 2015 I took a group to Tulum, Mexico.  We stayed at an amazing Villa that I’d rented on the beach. It was a huge house, with lots of bedrooms. I had my own suite on the edge of the beach, with it’s own kitchen and living room.

I went to bed one night, and was just falling asleep.  Suddenly, I felt the energy of something rushing into the room!  It was like somebody bursting into the room, throwing the door open, except the person wasn’t physically there.  There was a feeling of lots of wind rushing in, and it was a very strong force.  It was very shocking and abrupt, a powerful entrance to my room.

I called in protection immediately, not knowing what or who it was, and it went away quite easily.  I like to think if it’d come in more softly, I’d have been open to finding out why it was there and who it was, but the suddenness and intensity was frightening.  During that trip to Mexico, we saw multiple UFOs throughout the week, as we have all over the world.

I’d love your feedback!  Have you ever had anything like this happen?  What do you think it was?