About Awakened Stories

Stories about Unusual Experiences, including UFO’s, ET’s, Multi-Dimensional Beings, Mystical Beings, and other Spiritual Synchronicities


Awakened Stories

A Bridge to Believing!

We’re “taught” from an early age to disbelieve anyone that’s had an unusual experience, and peer pressure keeps everyone in line with the approved programming. Many have had unusual experiences and kept it to themselves.

Might there be “something unknown” at work in the Universe? Could Source (God), Angels or other benevolent invisible forces be out there, giving you information in some fashion? Could they be guiding you toward becoming more conscious?

Welcome to Awakened Stories, Stories about Unusual Experiences, including Angels, UFO’s, ET’s, Multi-Dimensional Beings, Mystical Beings, and other Spiritual Synchronicities.

This site is a collection of stories that have been experienced. They include interaction with dimensional beings, UFO sightings, mystical creatures, visions, lucid and prophetic dreams, and other spiritual synchronicities. Some basic background information may also be added.

Videos and interviews will make it really fun and interesting!

It’s our hope that you’ll read, watch and listen, and begin to understand that there’s so much more than we’ve been taught, that it’s all real.

Are you an Experiencer?

If you’d like to share your supernatural story(s) with us, submit the following to SuesAwakenedStories@gmail.com:
1) Your story
2) Photo(s) of yourself
3) Your Bio, including how the readers may contact you if you like, links, websites
4) Accompanying pictures and videos for your story
5) The Right to Use Content form with your signature on it. Email this or take a photo and send it