We Always Have Support

By Sue Greenwald

My daughter was about 5 and had two of her young friends from the neighborhood over.  I was getting them a snack before we went outside.  I was feeling a little sad and upset on the inside, although I acted normal on the outside.  I was working full time, had a long commute, and never felt like I was able to get everything done.  I worried that I didn’t give the family enough time. I felt like a failure and a bad mom.  There was always an internal conflict about whether I was doing enough!  As usual, I proceeded to get the kids a snack, and acted happy enough.

One of the little girls, who was maybe 4 at the time, said “I see angels behind you”.  I asked her lots of questions, and she said that she saw 2 large angels beside me, and they were there throughout the time she was visiting.  Having her tell me that the angels there made me feel much better.  Even though I knew that we are never alone, it’s easy to forget that when you have times of trouble, worry or doubt.  Just knowing that I had angelic support made me feel substantially better!

There were many times that I doubted the job I was doing as a Mom.  I always felt doubt, that I should and could be doing more that I was.  I worked full time, handled the household details, and spent as much time with the family as I could, but it never seemed like it was enough.  Several times, my young son would say something like “You’re doing a great job Mom”, when I was internally having these struggles.  That not only made me feel better, but I realized that he was intuitive and was picking up on my emotions.  He did this several times throughout his childhood, making me feel better.

You may have heard or read that we have an “invisible entourage” with us, angels and guides that are there to support us.  It’s interesting that we may intellectually know and even believe that, but still need confirmation!  I notice that I need confirmation, extra signs and support when I’m feeling lower vibration: doubt, fear, sadness.  When I’m feeling good, I talk to the angels and thank them for all of their help.  This seems counter intuitive to what we “should” do, but it’s the way I am.   Why don’t we KNOW how important and special we are?  That every effort that we make makes a difference? That every thought we have is important?

I think it’s important to take extra care of ourselves when we’re feeling low.  Taking things slower, and not demanding much of ourselves, and doing healthy things to feel better.  Often, starting with physical things, like a hot bath, a good meal, a nap can lift you up a little

I KNOW that I have an entourage of light beings with me.  I talk with them, ask them for help, thank them and notice how my life gets consistently better!  I look back at this event and thank my neighbors daughter for reminding me that I wasn’t alone!