UFOs & Beings All Around Us

By Sue Greenwald

Throughout my life, really starting when I was a young adult, I’ve seen UFO’s in the sky all over.  I was always interested in them, and read and watched as much science fiction as I could.  At night during the summer, my family would sit around the fire at our summer place and watch the stars.  Conversations turned to UFOs and life on other planets many times.  We’d watch the stars and wonder what was up there.  Since my father was always very interested in science, science fiction and UFO’s, I was encouraged to become interested too.

In recent years, I’ve taken groups of people on retreats all over the world.  In every instance, we’ve seen lots of UFOs in the sky.  In fact, that would often become one of our promoted activities.

Living in AZ now, I often see ships in the Sedona sky, some during the day, and lots more at night.  Many of the daytime ships are lenticular clouds, or are energy balls. Sometimes the skies are covered in lenticular clouds!  I’ve also seen rainbow ships, kind of hidden within the clouds.   Most of the time I try to enjoy the show, as when I consciously try to take a picture, or if I’m driving and pull over, they move or disappear.   I’ve also seen ships in broad daylight, without any cloud covering.  Last year, there was a grouping of ships I saw when driving through town, without any cloud cover. They were moving in a cluster, fast, above the city, and I didn’t have time to grab my phone, I just watched them and wondered if anyone else even noticed them!

Most of the nighttime ships that I easily see are the “twinkling star with multicolored lights” variety.   They initially look like stars, but if you look closer, especially with binoculars, you can see what almost looks like laser lights moving around.  I almost think that it’s a fleet of ships in that case.

I was at the Posse Ground park in Sedona one afternoon in 2020 with a friend.  For some reason, I looked up and noticed 3 “dots” in the sky.  The number of “dots” changed, blinking out for a few seconds, and then coming back, staying in the same location. It varied between 1-5 “energy dots” while I was looking, and I finally took some pictures. That day, there were no clouds in the sky and it was bright blue.  When you expand the screen, you can see a swirling ball of energy.

Slightly later that summer of 2020, I was swimming and noticed an “energy dot” in the sky.  The clouds were blowing toward the left through the afternoon, but this energy dot stayed in the same location for over an hour or more.  I pointed it out to the people at the pool, and we all watched it.  After a while, it moved a little to the right, counter to the direction that the wind and clouds were moving.  I took a picture, expanded it, and it was a ball of energy.  It was still hovering there after I left the pool.

On Nov 8, 2022, I was at a full moon drum circle in the early evening and saw what looked like a fast shooting star go behind the mountain.  It was a ship.

One other thing I’ve noticed, especially in Sedona (maybe its because of the area, and that we’re outside a lot here?), is that often we’ll take pictures of the rocks or scenery, and you’ll notice beautiful orbs or bright geometric shapes in the picture that you haven’t been able to see with your naked eye.

Below are some of the photos that I’ve taken.  I have lots more, but of course they aren’t super organized, so I’ll be adding them as I come across them.


Orbs at Mt. Shasta CA. Not visible to the naked eye