The Crystal From My Dream

By Sue Greenwald

Around 2005, I had a vivid dream about a crystal that I needed to find.  I don’t recall the details of the dream now, but I remember that there was a magical feeling about this crystal, and this stone was really important for me to find for some reason. In the dream, I saw the stone clearly.

I went through life, and eventually attended a local outdoor spiritual type of fair in the neighboring town.   It was the first type of fair that they’d ever done at that location, and it was well done for it being in a small remote town!  I walked around, talked with people that I knew, and then shopped around the vendor booths.  It was a beautiful day!  I thought about finding “a” crystal, but never believed I’d find “the” crystal.

I was drawn to a specific crystal vendor.  I looked through the selection of crystals and selected one that I really liked.  That stone was selected by intellect, as in I liked the color or whatever; it wasn’t by feel.  Just as I was paying for the crystal, I spotted “the stone”, the one that was literally in my dream!

It’s a Blue Kyanite, and when I picked it up, it felt perfect in my hand.  I immediately felt it’s energy.  It had a very strong effect on me.  I was extremely excited and told everyone that would listen about the dream story.  I purchased it and carried it around for years.  This crystal has beautiful iridescent color!  I kept it with me always, and it even went through the wash a few times!

I’m not sure specifically why I dreamed of that specific crystal, or why I was supposed to find it.  All I know is that it was highly coincidental that I’d find the actual crystal from my dream.   I’ve listed a summary of the properties of Kyanite below, and I probably needed all of those features that it assists with!  The fact that it had so much energy for me was also important.  I still have the crystal, although I packed it away with all the rest of my crystals when I had family with little kids visiting last year. I hope to unpack them all when I have my own home.

The properties of Kyanite are: allowing you to align and ground, creating calmness, so it’s excellent for meditation.  It’s an amplifier of high frequency energies, to stimulate psychic abilities and intuition  It facilitates dream recall, aligns the chakras, and clears the meridians. A Kyanite doesn’t need clearing. I often put Kyanite above my window and doorframes, where its hidden but can raise the vibration of the room.  This is a great crystal to have in your environment.

Sorry, this picture is a tad blurry and doesn’t do the stone justice!