Saved By My Guardian Angel

By Sue Greenwald

During the 1990’s, I was in corporate sales and drove a lot.  Toward the end of the 90’s, I drove a minivan that had a table between the front seats, with a console under it.  I’d put my appointment calendar on the table and write down ideas or directions while at the stop lights.  (This was way before cell phones and Bluetooth!).  I got to where I could write (badly), without looking at the paper, so I could watch the stop light. 

On this occasion, I was waiting at a stop light, and was first in line to turn left.  I had a pen in my hand, done with my note, waiting for the light to turn green. My hands were on the steering wheel, and the pen was firmly gripped in my right hand.  

As the light turned green, the pen was ripped out of my hand and thrown to the floor.  I say ripped, as it was a deliberate movement. It didn’t fall.  It was taken out and flung.  I started to move the pen with my foot as it was in an awkward position near the brake pedal, so I didn’t instantly proceed through the green light.  Just then, a tractor trailer went flying through their red light, exactly where I would have been! 

If the pen had remained in my hand, I would have proceeded and been right where that tractor trailer was.  I realized instantly that I was saved from a serious accident by an “unseen force” and said “Thank You”.  I believe that it was a Guardian Angel that helped save me that day!  

I knew at the time the the pen being removed from my hand was done deliberately.  It was shocking to see the tractor trailer speeding through his red light!  I instantly knew that I had been helped!

Whenever I know that I’ve had help, whether I’ve asked for it or not, I say Thank You!  As time has gone on, I’ve become better and better at recognizing when I’ve been helped by Angels or those other beings in the Universe!