Releasing Vickie Valencourt

By Sue Greenwald

In the mid 2000’s, I attended weekly guided meditations.  I’d often take my daughter with me, who would have the most beautiful and vivid meditations, usually filled with fairies.  She was always hosting meetings with the fairies and mystical creatures inside a hollow tree, where the inside was much larger than it looked on the outside.  The outside was a tiny door at the base of the tree, and the inside was huge.  (picture the Keebler elves tree).  She would always be walking and talking with Arch Angel Michael, along with a tiger and a whale that were usually with her. They’d fly, they’d have fun, breathe underwater, and do all sorts of unusual things.  The visions that she has were so beautiful and detailed, I encouraged her to write a book about it!

While my daughter always had the most vivid and detailed meditations, I’d struggle just to let go of the present! She’d tell the entire room all that she’d seen and done, which was enormous, while the rest of us more mature folks would maybe be able to calm down and see one thing.   It’s hard to let go to the programming and the everyday to do items for many of us!

During one meditation, we were instructed to remove any emotional blockages from our heart, so we’d be more open and loving.  We often put blockages and have protection around our hearts, so that we won’t be emotionally hurt.  This is subconscious protection that affects us on every level, mental, emotional and physically.  Having all this old protection is congestive, and doesn’t allow for expansion.  If we’re living in fear, we can’t proceed forward in our lives in a healthy fashion. Also, we’re not able to feel full emotion, or to express it.

It took me quite a while, but I finally reached into my heart and pulled out a large cube that was covered in black, dripping, tarlike goo. I looked at it and flung the cube across the room, and saw it splatter against the wall.  When I pulled that gooey cube out of my heart, I literally felt a huge, physical, painful jolt.  Yes, it physically hurt to pull it out!   This physical feeling that accompanied the mental image reinforced that what I saw was real.  To me, the black goo represented all the dark, fearful, negative thoughts I’d had.  After that meditation, I became much more peaceful and calmer overall.

During another meditation, we were guided to release protection or walls that we didn’t need anymore, so that we’d be more open and courageous. As usual, this took me a bit of effort to do.   I worked release my excess protection and blockages, and again felt a huge physical jolt.  I then saw a women come out, and boy, was she pissed!  She looked like Vicki Valencourt from the movie the Waterboy, and she was filled with anger; there was no smiling.  She was ripped, dressed in leather battle gear, with knives all over, ready to fight, always in protection mode.  She was serious and didn’t want to go.  I sent her away, and it took a lot to convince her that I no longer needed her services.  She kept looking back, not wanting to leave.  She felt that I needed her, even though I assured her that I was going to be able to handle things on my own.  She finally left me in disgust.  Each time I released a layer of old fear, need for protection, I noticed that I became happier, more at peace, and more at ease in my life.

In another meditation, we were to envision ourselves as angels and fly.  My wings were white with brown spots, kind of like a hawk.  Flying was amazing, and I ended up landing on top of a pyramid.  It was in the middle of a tropical forest, and I had a rhinoceros with me.  The Rhino was decorated and bejeweled, and was my companion.  While I flew over the tropical jungle, the Rhino ran super fast to meet me at my next stop, another sacred site in the tropical jungle.  It rans so fast it was almost cartoonlike.

One other very vivid meditation that I had was when we were to visualize the thing that was going to help me the most.  I heard, a booming voice say “Ashtanga”.  Ashtanga is a form of yoga, where the postures are done in a very specific sequence.  (FYI, I teach Hatha yoga, which are basically the same postures, but done as I’m inspired to do them).   Then, I saw a glass pyramid that was a deep royal blue color.  To me, the pyramid symbolized energy movement and communication.   At that time, I was teaching yoga and had my own studio, teaching all sorts of spiritual classes, so I felt like I was on the correct path.  I felt that the vision was showing me that yoga and teaching others was my correct path.

Doing all of these meditations allowed me to release lots of emotional blockages, so that I felt freer and more open throughout life.  Some people think that during the visions we see in meditation, we’re using our imagination, and that what we see isn’t real, we just make it up.  However, the fact that these experiences are accompanied by a feeling is significant.  Pulling the block out, I felt physical pain, and later a profound lightness.  Flying was euphoric and exciting.  I wasn’t planning to see or do the things that happened during these meditations, they’re just how my Inner Being/subconscious chose to show them to me.

Although I don’t feel the need to sit in meditation for hours, I do try to meditate every day as a way to clear my mind and bring me back to my center.  I occasionally get visions, messages or a “knowing”, and sometimes I’ll sit down with a specific question, and get my answer through meditation.   You can’t do it wrong, and should never go in with set expectations!  The quiet time will calm your body and nervous system, allowing you to think more clearly and to make better decisions.  You’ll feel more centered and peaceful, you then begin to notice changes through your life!