Mission to Earth

By Sue Greenwald

Lucid dreams are those that seem extremely clear, and sometimes you can control the direction that the dream takes to get specific information. Many times, when having a lucid dream, you realize that you’re dreaming. I pay attention to these dreams, as they usually have a message.

These kinds of dreams can be prophetic, or symbolic.  Many times, the dreamer will feel the feelings provided by the dream, which further proves that the dream may be some reality. Some of these dreams are premonitions, and they all provide information. I’ve had several vivid dreams which I felt were real experiences.

In one dream from 2018, we were dressed in natural fabrics like you see in the Star Wars Movies.  Our outfits were kind of like canvas-y type materials, like tunics over pants, all browns and tans.  It was a planet like Tatooine in the Star Wars movies, desert like, with a small city.  Although there was technology there, it wasn’t mechanical and metallic like what we currently use, rather it was more of an invisible energy that powered things.  We took a non-mechanical elevator (it appeared to be stone, no metal machinery, no buttons) and went to a 2nd or 3rd floor, where I briefly looked out the window.  I saw the desert like terrain, other buildings, and smaller spacecraft with people walking into the other buildings.  Although it was different than the way we live, it was by no means primitive.

There were two others behind me, I think one was my daughter.   I walked directly to my briefing room, and the two behind me went directly to other rooms for their mission briefings.  We were very focused and walked with purpose, walking through the corridors like we knew where we were going.

I was handed a field manual and was told “read this, you can ask all the questions that you like tomorrow”.  I saw a hand handing me the book, but the rest of the person was blurred out on purpose.  It looked a little like there were clouds around the edges of the person to blur them out in the dream, so I wasn’t supposed to see their face.  The manual looked like it’d been typed in the 1950’s, with a blue paper cover, curled up corners, and a typewriter type of font.   I walked back to that briefing room later that evening, slapped the manual down on the desk and said “I’m in” without asking a single question.

I think I “re-upped” for my mission on Earth OR that vision showed me the initial time that I decided to come to help Earth.  In this case, I think it was the initial briefing for me to come to Earth to help.   There was no question in my mind that I needed to help. I think the two other people with me are also still here, and that we’ve been here a long time!