Led to My Truth
By Sheri M

In 2020 I finally said out loud “Ok God, I’m done being scared! Show me the reality of what is really going on”. I started digging and digging for truths.

I joined Twitter to follow Trump at the time. I then saw a few comments from King John Smarty talking smack. I got a kick out of him and started to follow Smarty on Twitter. Then on Facebook. He kept on saying he is the King.

One night I closed my eyes and I stated “OK God, I need you to show me who Smarty is”.

In my third eye I saw the visual of how I see Jesus. I saw Smarty behind Jesus, and they shifted into one in that vision I received. I then started to cry, because as a child with everything I went through I always knew Jesus was with me, and my angels watching over me.