Handling the Snakes

By Sue Greenwald

Vivid Dream on 8/22/22:  I dreamed that I was in my parents ranch house.  They were both older, and needed help. They were upstairs, directing me into their basement.  It was empty and super clean, except for an old wooden desk (which we actually had years ago) in the corner, stacked with papers.

There were 2 rattlesnakes in the basement, one larger than the other.  Their bellies were yellow tinged with pink.  I got my mothers “grabber” and fearlessly walked up to the smaller snake, grabbing it by the tail with this grabber thing.  I promptly got bit on the back of the right, and felt the pain.  It was intense, very painful, and my hand and arm instantly started to swell.  My parents were yelling down the stairs for me to be careful, of course. I disregarded that, trying to handle the snake, and said that I’d go to the hospital later.  I got the snake out of the house.   (yes, the second I grabbed the snake by the tail, I realized that I should have gotten it by the neck, but I didn’t care that much).

I then saw a really long, large black snake, with yellow eyes, which I got outside.  It was huge, and almost seemed to be growing in my dream.  By this time, my hand was very painful and swollen, which I still disregarded.

I woke up into this physical reality, and looked at my hand, turning on the light. It was normal, but the pain from that dream still lingered. In fact, I was very surprised to see my hand a normal size, and it took a while for the pain from the dream to dissipate.

A while later, I fell back asleep, and was again at my parents house, in the basement. I immediately went into the the same dream, which I dropped into maybe 30 minutes after leaving it! This time, the basement was FILLED with about 50 different snakes, and they were kind of neatly lined up, parallel with the walls.  I walked down with confidence to get them out, while my parents hovered upstairs.  I assume that I got all of the snakes out of the house, although I don’t remember seeing the details of that.

I then went out to the back yard, where the (now) giant black snake from my earlier dream was.  It was hiding under a lean to type of shed thing, with brush and woodpiles around the edges, so it wasn’t easily accessible.  It kept coming at me, and seemed to be growing bigger each time it lunged.  It had yellow eyes, and I had the impression that it was a dragon or maybe a dragon in disguise.

I held up my hand and commanded it to go away. It would back up for a while to hide, and then lunge again, and I fearlessly pushed the energy toward it, telling it to leave. This happened several times. We had some sort of a dialog, and it came at me one last time.  This time, I was about done with playing around, so I blasted it with energy and commanded it to leave.  It left.  As I said before, as the dream progressed, this black snake turned larger and larger, and I had to keep sending it more energy to keep it at bay.

This dream was extremely vivid.  I thought it was noteworthy for several reasons:  First, the pain from the snakebite in the dream was intense, and I actually felt it for quite a while after I woke up, shocked that it didn’t immediately dissipate upon waking.  Second, I went back into the same dream when I fell back asleep, which is pretty unusual. I tackled the snakes without hesitation or fear, and the power that I blasted toward the black snake was immense. I had a long discussion with the black snake, which I don’t recall, but I was confident and was letting it go away on its own before I handled it.

To me, this was a very symbolic dream, very clear. The snakes symbolize transformation.  Talking and fighting with the black snake symbolizes my own psychic abilities and power growing. The color of the black snake represents evil, which I easily defeated.  The fact that I fearlessly handled all of the snakes means that I’m becoming more confident.