
By Sue Greenwald

When I was a child, I was afraid of things lurking out at me at night.  I especially had intense fear of someone hiding behind the shower curtain in the bathroom, and was very careful to stay away from it at night.  Fast forward many years, to about 2005 or so.  I was doing a very long and intense past life meditation with my friend Stephen.  I wasn’t expecting too much from it, but several lifetimes came through.

The most vivid lifetime was a Native American lifetime.  In this past life recall, I was a boy, approximately 17-18 years old, and I was the chiefs son.  My father from this current lifetime was the chief of our tribe in that lifetime, and also my father then.  I recognized him instantly, although he had a longer, thinner, hawklike nose in that Native American lifetime.  I can see his face vividly.  In that past life, my father was filled with anger, and had already made a decision that I couldn’t dissuade him from.

Evidently, another neighboring tribe was poaching on our land, and we were going to go to war.  The whole tribe was filled with anger and hatred, especially my father.  We had been sitting around, allowing this crime to happen too long! Everyone in the tribe was excited and ready for a fight, except for me.  The other warriors were antsy and wanted activity.  I tried to reason with my father, but he was filled with anger, and would not listen to me.

I wasn’t a warrior, and I don’t think I fit in well with everyone.  They tolerated me as I was the chiefs son, and that was about it.  Since I was unable to convince anyone, including my father, to come to a more peaceful way to resolve this territorial conflict, I decide to take matters into my own hands. I wanted to avoid war and live in peace.  I somehow arranged for a secret meeting with the other tribes leaders.  I went out at night, and hid in a designated meeting spot, somewhere in the bushes.  I waited a long time, with the fear building.  It was very dark, I wasn’t sure if they were coming at all, and what to expect.

The meeting unfortunately never took place. Some of the warriors from my tribe found out about our meeting, snuck out, and murdered me.  They made it look like the other tribe killed me.  My father was then furious, blaming the other tribe, and they all went to war.  I believe that these same warriors also planted evidence that the other tribe was poaching on our land, as they just wanted an excuse for war.  The other tribe was innocent of the poaching allegation.

After I came back to this reality from the meditation, I realized that the waiting in the dark bushes could be the cause of my fear at night in the dark.   I could feel the fear building as I was recalling this Native American lifetime,  especially when I was waiting in the bushes. Interestingly enough, once the story and that realization about what had happened came to me, the fears went away.  Now, I’m not afraid of the dark, although if something jumps out at me, that’ll be a whole different story!

I was doing another past life meditation, and was shown myself as a Native American. In this vision, an angel flew me to a spot at the bottom of a canyon, with large mountains above me.   The angel dropped me off there.  Before leaving, the angel showed me a sign with the date on it (do you believe this, I don’t remember it now!!!  I believe it was in the 1800’s).  I saw how I was dressed.   I knew I was in the west somewhere, but don’t know any further specifics.  It’s very interesting to see these past lives, and how some of them may have influenced this current lifetime.  Many times, once a past lifetime is examined, any traumas associated with it are removed in the current lifetime.

I brought a group to Sedona (maybe 2015?) and realized after we’d gathered that we were all there to heal past life traumas from previous Native American lifetimes we’d had together in the Sedona area.  On our first day, we took a light hike.  We were walking back to the car, when all of a sudden I had a sharp pain in my foot. I was unable to walk, which cause me anxiety, as I was the leader of our retreat.  I stood there for a while, worked on flexing my foot and realized that my toes had been chopped off by accident in a past Native American lifetime.  My son had accidentally chopped off my toes with an ax!  After that knowingness came to me, the pain started to subside, and I was able to walk again.  Through the week, I worked on that issue as I still felt the pain, but I was able to walk.

Many times, bringing the traumas to the surface automatically heals the issues that were caused in a previous lifetime. Not only is examining a past life interesting, it gives me great information about this lifetime, as well as the healing potential.