A Special Message Just For Me

By Sue Greenwald

In December 2022, I was in Florida visiting family for a few weeks.  One day, we had several unusual occurrences.  It seemed like something was trying to prevent us from having a happy day.  During that morning, our GPS took us over an hour out of our way, causing us to have a major drive which set us behind time wise.  Once the error was discovered, it was too late to take a shorter route.  This caused a great deal of tension with our group.  I was trying to keep everyone calm and happy through the day doing clearing work and calling in angels, but I was also distracted.

I worked energetically on our group the whole day, but never truly felt relaxed.

On the way back, there was another unusual incident.  Our group was again under an unusual amount of stress.  Nobody was happy!

I felt extreme stress, and was not very clear of thought.    I tried to clear everyone to keep us all calm, but because I wasn’t very calm myself, it didn’t seem like it was working.  I still tied to clear our group, the area, the cars, and to keep our trip quick, smooth and safe, but I didn’t feel very effective.

I felt frustrated, and looked out the window.  I saw a car with tons of advertising on it, with the message “Need Help?  Call 1-SKG-777-7777” all over it.  As I said, this was plastered all over the car. That got my attention!

First, I noticed the huge number of 7’s in the phone number, which was all over the car.  For those of you that don’t know, patterns of numbers like this are called Angel Numbers.   Number 7 means something like “keep up the good work, you’re on the right path, it’s all coming together”.  What made it even more personal was that SKG are my initials!  I felt like this was a specific message for me from Source to ask for help.

This message made me feel SO much better, and I immediately started to ask for help, re-energized with what I’d been trying to do.  I asked Source directly to keep our group safe, to keep us all happy, and to minimize the discomfort everyone was feeling.  I asked for clearing and calmness.  I talked a while with Source.

Naturally, I didn’t have the wherewithal to take a photo of the car, when I probably could.  With that message so boldly placed all around the car, I knew that message was specifically for me!