A Quick Near Death Experience

By Sue Greenwald

My very first memory was a Near Death Experience.  I was maybe 2 years old, and sat straddled on the top of the iron hand rail on top of a cement porch with a few steps.  I swung off the iron rail, hitting my head on the corner of the cement.

The next thing I recall, I was shooting up to the sky, past the clouds, hovering there, looking down at Earth. It happened so fast!  I looked down for a few seconds, started to proceed up, and then quickly shot back down into my body. I don’t recall any conversation with Source/God, or any words at all.

Since I was so young, I never really discussed this event with my parents. Although I don’t remember what happened next, I always had a huge thick ugly scar on my forehead, and my skull felt irregular, kind of oblong or pointed at the forehead, like a huge lump that never healed properly.  Oddly enough, now by head feels normally smooth and rounded, and the scar isn’t even visible!  This healing happened in the past few years, as it was there most of my life.