A Cloud of Mist

By Sue Greenwald

On the morning of Friday September 23, 2022, I was quickly walking down my hallway.  I was looking down at some papers that I was carrying, and was moving quickly, as I was in the middle of something.  About ¾ of the way down the hall, I noticed a “cloud” of mist in the hallway, when I lifted my head up.  I ended up walking through this cloud of mist, as I was going too quickly to stop! I felt something as I walked through it.  In fact, I feel like I breathed some of it in!

This cloud was about 1-2 feet in diameter, was fairly dense, and was about shoulder and head level.  It kind of shimmered a bit. I knew that it was a “person” and of course was distracted as it happened, so I didn’t get a clear look.  I slowed down (which took a couple of seconds), turned around, and walked back to where the cloudy mass had previously been.  It was unfortunately gone.

I thought about it for a second, then texted my small jedi group, asking who they thought it was.  At that point, it was kind of for fun, as I knew that it was benevolent and not malicious.  One of my friends quickly replied that it was my maternal grandfather, which I agree with.  I then asked why he was there, as I like to know the bigger picture. Although I didn’t get a solid answer, I believe that he was there for protection purposes, even though I didn’t feel any threat at that moment.  I was close with this grandfather, who died in 1978.  I often think about him and what a happy childhood I had.