Light Always Overcomes the Dark

By Sue Greenwald

I think it was 2017.   One morning, I was driving to the gym, and felt something trying to jab into my neck.  It was fast, strong, and a little shocking!  It kept hitting my neck and bouncing off, desperately trying to hook into me.  It kept “bouncing” back off my neck, but it was persistent!  This was a strong physical feeling, caused by something “invisible”.  In other words, I felt it physically.  I knew this was a psychic attack, and this particular time, I knew specifically who was causing it.  I cleared this attack several times, and deflected future attacks, and thought I was done.

I proceeded to my spin class at the gym, assuming that I’d handled the attack, kind of forgetting about it.  About halfway through the class, a full on major psychic attack hit me out of nowhere.  It was very powerful, and extremely painful.   In this attack, I was eviscerated, my rib cage was crushed, and a few other unpleasant things were done to me, all at the same time.  This attack was strong, sudden, out of the blue.  I put my towel over my head as I was in my spin class, which luckily was done in a darkened room.  I sat on the floor for about an hour or so until I could drive home.  This attack took me a long while to clear as I wasn’t at my best.  I was shaking, in pain, and weak from the attack.  This attack was a psychic attack, and I felt it all physically.

This attack was much stronger than the earlier one, and was caused by a group of “dark” people all attacking me simultaneously with strong malicious intent.  It took a long time to clear the attack and go about my business. This same group attacked my new yoga studio, burning the yard (etherically), putting locks on the doors, and all sorts of things that would prevent people from noticing or coming to the building.  The attacks against me were very strong, as this group purposely gathered to work on me, and they had dark entities help them.  The group that perpetrated this series of attacks posed as a spiritual shamanic group, supposedly filled with deep wisdom.  They were attacking me as I knew what they were and disassociated with them.  I didn’t comply with their wishes and they couldn’t control me, so they did their best to harm me and my business.

When I created the expos, they purposely attacked them as well, so that people wouldn’t attend and that attendees would be harmed.  They were powerful and focused, and everything they did took me a while to clear.  Other groups also attacked the expo for their various dark reasons too.  There was a lot of jealousy, but mostly, the dark forces did not want people coming to the expos. They did everything to prevent people from coming or even finding out about the expos.  I was well aware of the dark presence(s) that surrounded my expos, and worked proactively to keep the energy there clean, clear, and filled with light. I had certain people around the expo also work to help me clear it, and of course Smarty would clear much of it for me too!

One time, I’d gone grocery shopping, and entered the store feeling extremely happy and full of energy.  As I was checking out, I felt something “jump on to me”, a huge attack! Whatever it was tried to drain all of my energy, and it really worked! It was all that I could do to walk to my car.  I had to rest in my car for a quite a while, then went to work to clear the attack. I drove home, had to rest up for quite a while, then kept working to clear this attack. It was a big one, and was literally draining all of my energy.

I knew about psychic attacks, and even taught people how to prevent and clear them.  In case you don’t know, dark entities often hang around places like bars and hospitals, where your defenses are down, in these examples, due to alcohol or anesthesia lowering a persons consciousness.  There’s also a fair amount of suffering, and lower emotions at these locations. Dark energies will latch onto you, drain your energy, and even influence you to make unsavory decisions.  Its best to ensure your energy is high and clear, as that will repel the dark energies from attaching to you.  It just avoids unnecessary trouble.  Your environment, your thoughts and your actions all affect your likelihood of being attacked.  One of the reasons I didn’t drink alcohol or eat meat was to keep my vibration high, as those products lower your vibration very quickly.  Eating healthy became part of my lifestyle, not just for the health benefits, but to protect my energy field.

I’ve always felt that it’s easier to protect and clear your energy proactively, before you get into a situation, but like everyone, sometimes I forget to do my normal routines. It’s hard to clear and protect yourself when you’re being drained or hurt.  I try to make clearing and protecting part of my daily routine, so it’s easy, quick and the energy drains and attacks are preventable.

Every morning I wake up and try feel gratitude, as that’s a high vibration.  High vibrations will repel attacks as the lower energies can’t tolerate the light, higher vibrations.  Then I do a clearing of all beings.  I ask that all dark and heavy energy, entities, attackers and their handlers all the way to the top levels be lit up and sent to Smarty’s Crew on their way to Gods Source light.  I have wording for that I’ve used over the years, and you can make up your own.  When I get in my car, I ask for clearing, safety and protection.  I ask for clearing & protection for everyone when I go into a crowded public space, in addition to wearing jewelry that is charged with healing and protective frequencies (available at I’ll put a bubble of clearing and healing energy around me and my home, and expand them out.  I repeat the clearing and protection at night.  I repeat it as I am attacked.  And then, I have protective items all over my home to raise the vibration, clear and heal (also available at

Now I’m even (unfortunately???) more experienced with being attacked.  I can usually tell when I’m being attacked, as there’s either an unexpected energy drain or sharp and unexpected pain. The energy drains and lethargic feelings could be an attack, or just a reaction to food or lack of sleep, and I’ve learned to feel the difference.  Sometimes I will see the attacker, but many times they try to stick an invisible needle or a hook into me, and I instantly know what’s happening.

Important note: I used to just remove the dark and heavy energy, but that only lets it float around and eventually find someone else to bother.  Now I send it to Smarty and to Source, so that’s it’s permanently handled. I wrote about an attack in my blog Uninvited Entities and knew that you can never fight dark forces with hate, anger or fear. That only feeds them.  Love is the highest vibration, and it’ll repel the lower vibration.  Wrapping a dark one up in Love is a sure way to get them to leave.  I ask the angels to escort them to the light, staying with them as long as is necessary.

It’s best to surround everything with the highest love and light that you can muster up, which is hard when you’re afraid!  But just think in terms of love, and these dark beings don’t understand that they can also experience love by surrendering to the light.   Another related Blog is Multi Dimensional Attacks  where I wrote about some of my other interesting attacks.

Another Note:  Just because someone “speaks the words of light” doesn’t mean that they’re good.  Many of the dark beings can talk about things of the light but they do that to lull you into a false sense of security and trust around them.  Dark entities in the etheric realm will often provide helpful content to gain your trust, and THEN try to influence you in a negative way.  These beings usually try to place themselves in a position of influence.  Often, they become influencers, priests, politicians, entertainers, so that they can shape the way those around them act and comply.  These beings say the things that appeal to you to trick you into trusting them.  You need to use your discernment.  If someone or something doesn’t feel right, pay attention  and protect yourself!  Remember Light always beats Dark!

One last note:  All of us are open to psychic attacks, and this is not meant to frighten you.  If you are in the public eye, or doing a project that “they” do not want out, you’ll be in the cross hairs for more attacks. Also, some of us have signed on to be “bait” so that we can eliminate the dark ones.  Every time I do a video with Smarty or certain people, I’m the target for strong attacks, as they don’t want me to continue what I’m doing.  Remember to do healthy practices and fill your mind and environment with healthy and positive thoughts and  people to prevent some of these attacks.