Finally Listened To the Message

By Sue Greenwald

I owned a Yoga Studio/Wellness Center, and we often had special events at the Center.  One day, I received an email from a women that I didn’t know, asking about scheduling a healing session, who I’d recommend, and their pricing.  Instantly, my intuition kicked in, and I knew who she needed to see, and sent her back an email. Her response was that she couldn’t afford it.  So, I went about my business.

In the middle of that night, I received an urgent message that woke me up. Like everyone in the middle of sleeping, I said, “I’ll remember this tomorrow”, and promptly went back to sleep.  Well, I totally forgot about the message. When I turned on my computer the next morning, and luckily the message came flooding back.  The summary version of the message was something like “She needs help NOW! NOW!  Tell her she can’t wait, that she needs to see you NOW!  It’s urgent that she gets your help.  NOW! Don’t let her wait.”.  It was very insistent and loud.  I sent another email to this woman starting with “I don’t know you, but I received this message for you last night…”, telling her the person that I think she needed to see would be at my yoga studio that weekend, doing a special rate that could be more affordable than a full session.

Well, luckily, she came, and spent about 3 hours with my friend getting a healing session!  She came out of the room a new person.  Later, my healer friend told me that this woman was planning to commit suicide!  Years later, I’ve seen this young woman at many other social events, looking happy!  I like to think I played some part in helping her.