Message from the Angels
By Sue Greenwald
I have a little battery-operated clock in my bathroom. One evening in 2016, the clock seemed like the battery was dying and was fading out, blinking a faint “222”. I put my hand toward the clock to reset the time, and then it then BLASTED on “222” and stayed on without any blinking. I felt like my hand or energy somehow reenergized the clock as it happened as my hand approached the clock. It was really very noticeable. The light was then on its strongest power. I then realized that I was receiving a message from the angels, and looked it up: “Balance-either work to find balance, or you are doing the right thing.” I’ve got to assume the message for me was to work to find balance, as I was working so much during that time, doing little to develop a personal life! It was interesting, as once it blasted on 222 and I got the message, the clock resumed the normal time and operation without my resetting it. This was extremely odd, and thankfully I took note of it and wrote it all down on a notepad before I forgot, as I’d often do in the middle of the night.
Angels communicate to us in a variety of ways. They may leave a feather, a coin, send a bird, or some other sign that we should take note of to know that they’re with us. Many of us are reporting seeing Angel Numbers a lot at this particular time, myself included! It seems like they’ve been really sending more and more numbers through, especially in the past few months. An Angel number can be a double, triple or quadruple number, like 11, 111, 1111 or a pattern of number that you see at the same time, like 62 62, or even 62 26. I notice that I’ll have sequences of Angel numbers on my dashboard of the car, on the license plates around me, and even billboards and signs. Knowing the basic number meanings can help you determine the message that they’re trying to get through to you. It helps if you recall what you were thinking about when you saw the numbers.
Around February 2022, I went to Phoenix AZ for a shopping trip with some friends. While driving home, we saw a billboard with 4444 on it. We saw 444 on a couple larger signs and license plates, all within a very short amount of time, maybe 4 signs in all. All of us in the car noticed these, and we knew that the angels were surrounding us. Lucky for us! On the way home, it was really dark, making it hard to see details. There was a car in our lane, headed towards us on the wrong side of the expressway, moving fast! My friend easily moved the car to the right, really before we even realized what had happened. There was no conscious thought involved, just an easy and gentle action of moving the car. It wasn’t until right after that time we realized how lucky we’d been. I had also been holding my Crystalline Frequency Generator and Wand in one hand the whole trip back. I immediately started thanking Daddy and the Angels for saving us, while we started our shocked reactions. I believe we were surrounded by angels to help us safely make it home that night.